Make Everyday Memorable
At Albany, recreation and social activities are abundantly available, appealing to an array of desires and lifestyles. The calendar of programming—highlighting an assortment of golf, aquatics, racquet sports, and social events —invites members, families and friends, to come together and share in the enjoyment.

Play Golf
A Rewarding GameWith multiple sets of tees on each hole and a team of professional staff eager to assist, players of all abilities are welcomed with the opportunity to experience and enjoy the game.
Dine & Celebrate

Dining Venues
The Grille Room is our exclusive dining venue, offering members a refined yet relaxed environment to enjoy moments around the table. Here, seasonal menus are crafted with local ingredients and a rotation of weekly specials provide fresh variety to please any palate.

Private Events
The Club offers multiple private dining spaces, both indoor and out, available to suit any occasion—from meetings to celebrations, fundraisers and so much more.